The name of this organization shall be known as THE NATIONAL FEDERATION OF THE BLIND OF GREATER SPRINGFIELD, INC.
The purpose of this organization is to promote and pursue the policies of the National Federation of the Blind at the State and National level; to promote security, equality, and opportunity for the blind in the Greater Springfield area; and to do all things permissible for corporations of this type under Chapter 180 of the Massachusetts General Laws.
Section 1.
Membership shall be open to any interested individual(s) from the Greater Springfield area, as well as individuals from other areas who find it preferable to belong to the Greater Springfield Chapter.
Section 2.
Only members get reimbursed from the chapter for attending events such as conventions and Washington seminar.
Section 3.
Any member may terminate his/her membership by a written notice (e-mail) to that effect, submitted to the President.
Section 4.
Any member whose membership is terminated or has lapsed may rejoin as a guest and be voted in by the membership.
Section 5.
The number of sighted members shall not exceed a simple majority of the total number of blind members at any time.
Section 6.
Any blind member who subsequently regains his/her vision may retain their membership.
Section 1.
Regular meetings shall be held monthly except during the months of July and August.
Section 2.
Special meetings may be held for any purpose, on the call of the President, with a minimum of seven days’ notice given.
Section 3.
Eight members in good standing including three board members shall constitute a quorum for a member’s meeting. Three board members shall constitute a quorum for a Board of directors meeting.
Section 4.
Members are allowed to participate at a meeting remotely (via phone, zoom or other) when needed.
Section 1.
Annual dues shall be in the amount set forth by the general membership.
Section 2.
In order to remain in good standing each member must pay annual dues by the February members’ meeting.
Section 3.
Any member who has failed to pay dues for a period of one year must re-apply for membership.
Section 1.
The Officers shall be President and Vice-President (both of whom must be blind) plus Secretary and Treasurer. All Officers shall be elected in the June’s member meeting for a two-year term.
Section 2.
The Board of Directors shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Immediate past president, Sergeant-Arms, two Members-at-large and 3 trustees.
Section 3.
A member of the Board may be removed by a majority vote of the members if he/she has been absent for three consecutive Board meetings without a reasonable excuse. A replacement shall be immediately elected by the members.
Section 1.
The duties of the President shall be to preside over all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors; to appoint all committees; and to implement all programs and policies established by the membership.
Section 2.
The duties of the Vice-President shall be to perform all of the duties normally carried out by the President when he/she is unable to discharge them; and to assist the President in specific assignments.
Section 3.
The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep an accurate record of all meetings of the members and the Board of Directors. The secretary should provide any information to the officers upon request.
Section 4.
The duties of the Treasurer shall be to collect all money due to the Chapter and pay all bills owed by the Chapter at the direction of the President or the Board of Directors; to make monthly and annual reports of receipts and expenditures; and to perform all other duties assigned by the President or the Board of Directors. The Treasurer, being responsible for all money belonging to the Chapter, shall be insured in sufficient amount to cover the value of the treasury.
Section 5.
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall keep order at all meetings and attend the ballot box.
Section 6.
All Officers shall at the expiration of their 2-year term of office, deliver to their successors all books, records, equipment including keys belonging to the Chapter.
Section 7.
The Board of Directors shall assist the President in the implementation of the programs and policies established by the membership, and may authorize expenditures in exceptional circumstances.
Section 1.
There should be three trustees elected every two years to coincide with the election of the officers.
Section 2.
The Trustees shall make an annual inventory of all property belonging to the Chapter, and a written report of their findings shall be submitted and read at a subsequent meeting. It is the responsibility of the trustees to maintain an inventory of the property of the chapter.
Section 3.
The Trustees shall make periodic inspections of the Chapter’s property at 910 Liberty Street, Springfield and its contents to detect damage and deterioration and report their findings to the President. They shall also help with any outside required inspections.
The Constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the members by an affirmative vote, of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present, and approval of the State Board of Directors. The proposed amendment must be signed by two (2) members in good standing, and must be presented to the members one month before final action is taken.
Article 10 – Elections
Section 1.
The biannual election of the Chapter’s officers and trustees shall be held in June. The president should assign someone to chair the nominating committee in May. The chair should choose two other non-running members to select a slate of candidates for nominations.
Section 2.
If anyone who is running for office and he or she is out of the State or the country is automatically disqualified to run. If a member is running for a position but is absent on Election Day they can still be elected if they have a reasonable excuse (as sickness or death in the family) for their absence.
Section 3.
All officers’ term shall begin at the first meeting following the June elections.
Section 4.
Voting must be private and in person. Members cannot vote if they arrive after the elections begin.
Section 5.
Any member in good standing shall be eligible to vote. The ballot box should be used for all contested elections. The ballot box should be administered by the sergeant-at-arm assisted by the nominating committee. The nominating committee may ask for assistance if needed.
Section 6.
if any member holding a position from previous elections who does not attend meetings for more than three times or who has resigned as a member election for that position should be held right at the following meeting allowing a slate of candidates from the floor to run for that vacant position.
Section 7.
If there is an extreme circumstance or reasonable excuse that the president cannot fulfill their 2-year term the vice president would continue the term until elections.
This Chapter shall not be dissolved so long as there are ten (10) members in good standing. In the event of the dissolution of the Chapter its property, both real and personal, shall pass to our State affiliate after all outstanding obligations have been met. However, the following exception should be noted:
The land on which our Chapter House stands was purchased from the City of Springfield for the sum of one dollar ($1) with the understanding that the land would be returned to the City if the Chapter should be dissolved. Therefore, upon dissolution of the Chapter, the Chapter House shall be returned to the City with or without the building, as determined by the final meeting of the Chapter.
The National Federation of the Blind of Greater Springfield, Inc. shall pay for the President to attend the national Convention of the National Federation of the Blind during his/her years of service, the amount will be determined by the chapter. If the President is unable to make the trip, the Vice-President shall receive the grant.
All members in good standing are entitled to attend the national convention of the Federation and receive an allowance towards convention expenses. The allowance will be determined by the chapter prior to the convention.
Any member in good standing who is interested in attending and participating in the annual State Convention shall be subsidized by the Chapter, as determined by the Board of Directors. In order to attend the state and or national conventions a member must be local and be in good standing and attend at least six (6) out of 10 meetings (three in person three on phone), we prefer mostly in person and less by phone. Unless otherwise approved by the majority of the chapter to allow some exceptions.
The National Federation of the Blind of Greater Springfield, Inc. is the local Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind, which is the largest group of blind consumers in the United States. We are an active organization to promote the civil rights of blind people – in employment, in education, and in all facets of daily living.
At the same time, our corporate Chapter is self-governing and we select our own Fund-raising projects. One of our primary attributes is the opportunity and capability of counseling each other, and especially newly blind members, on how to cope with the problems of restricted vision; and, through our representation on the State Board of Directors and our participation in the annual State Convention, we give our members the opportunity to have a voice in the policy decisions and program objectives adopted at the local level and provide them with an opportunity to participate in a democratic action organization.
Any member in good standing who enters the hospital for surgery or treatment of a serious illness or injury shall receive consideration and recognition from the Board of Directors, with appropriate notification. The secretary his or her designee shall be responsible for sending cards to any hospitalized members.
Upon notification of the death of a member or his/her immediate family member (parents, children, siblings and partners), a monetary donation specified by the board of directors will be made to that member and or his family.